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Q&A: Why Does Elevating the Heels Make My Squat Look Better?

Today, I’m going to answer one of the most common questions I get from trainers, coaches, and athletes alike: Why does my squat feel so much getter when I elevate my heels? Now the most common answer you’ll hear in this regard is that you have “tight” or “stiff” ankles. Or more specifically, that “your […]

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How to Layout an Off-Season Basketball S&C Program

Over the past 5-6 years, my guy Joey Burton (and now Scott Romaniuk) and I have built a pretty darn good basketball development program here in Indianapolis. And as the program has evolved, I’ve started getting more and more questions about how we set-up and structure our individual training sessions. It’s taken me 4-5 years […]

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Exercise Progression Across Blocks

I think it’s safe to say the days of old-school periodization are dead. We’re no longer trying to plan out annual (or quadrennial) cycles in Excel, all while meticulously calculating every set and rep to ensure we optimize training load. BUT…that doesn’t mean we pull out the big exercise wheel each month, give it a […]

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New Videos 2.23.22

So as you may or may not know, I made it a goal to create WAY MORE video content in 2022. I actually did really well during the first three months of the pandemic, but since then, it’s been pretty hit-or-miss. That’s why I’m proud to say that I’ve gotten a ton pushed out this […]

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How Do I Master a New Topic?

In our industry, it can be overwhelming to dive into a new topic that you’re unfamiliar with. After all, how do you even begin to learn a massive topic like speed, strength or conditioning? Well I’ll tell you the first thing…it’s not listening to every random on the Internet that has an opinion on the […]

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The CARS Approach to Coaching

Here’s a big question to ponder… Why do clients or athletes come to train with you? How can you create a better connection with them? Or help make sure that they not only enjoy your training, but that they stick with your for the long haul? This is obviously a pretty deep topic, but here […]

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How Often Should You Progress an Exercise?

One of the most common questions I get asked is: How often should I progress a client or athlete’s exercises? It’s a great question, and unfortunately, there’s no hard and fast rules here. But in this short video, I do my best to walk you through my thought process, and give you some guidelines as […]

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The Ground Prep Series

I’ve noticed a few things as I’ve gotten older… It takes a bit longer to warm-up or feel like I’m ready to train. While not necessarily “sore,” there are definitely times when I feel stiff or achy prior to training. And last but not least, sometimes I just need to do a little bit more […]

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How to Perform the Half-Kneeling Lat Pulldown

One of the biggest issues I see with clients and athletes alike is a lack of mobility. Whether it’s their hips or shoulders, these key areas can make or break how you move and feel. So how about one exercise that can work to address both of these common problem areas? The half-kneeling lat pulldown […]

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Get Off That Right Side with the Offset Split-Squat!

One of the biggest issues we see with clients and athletes alike is a tendency to get “stuck” on their right leg. So while most would assume just “doing more single-leg work” would fix the issue, unless you offset the load, you can actually just reinforce the asymmetry! If you struggle to load the left […]

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The Best Hip Flexor Stretch and Glute Bridge Combo?

When I first started working in the gym, I used to love a good hip flexor stretch and glute bridge combo. I felt like the hip flexor stretch did an awesome job of “stretching” my “tight” hip flexors and the glute bridge was fantastic for “activating” my glutes. Now while the rationale, thought process, and […]

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Reverse Crunches Too Easy? Step Up to the Dragon Flag!

So reverse crunches are awesome…we’ve already addressed that. In previous editions we’ve unpacked how to perform both the standard reverse crunch, as well as the reverse crunch to press out. (And if you missed the previous installments, check them out here: How to Reverse Crunch and The Reverse Crunch to Press Out.) So if you’re […]

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The Reverse Crunch to Press Out

If you’re on this site, you probably already know I’m a huge fan of the reverse crunch. And while it can be difficult initially, in a lot of cases, it also gets easy fairly quickly as well. So if you want to upgrade that core training, you need to try the reverse crunch to press […]

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How and When to Use “Ramp” Days

One of the biggest issues my clients and athletes used to suffer from was having crappy workouts on Monday. Were they having too much fun on the weekend? Not recovering enough? Or was there something I was missing? It wasn’t until I started tracking the recovery of my clients and athletes that I realized what […]

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Q&A: Can You Do Multiple High-Intensity Training Days in a Row?

After my recent video about putting together training weeks, I got a fantastic follow-up question: Can you ever stack multiple high-intensity workouts back-to-back? For instance, could you perform a high-intensity lower body day, and then the next day come in and hit uppers hard? In this video, I breakdown 4 different lenses that you can […]

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