Random Saturday 12-19

Kyle and Mike the Intern

Unfortunately, my server connection was a little wonky at the gym yesterday, so Random Friday has turned into Random Saturday.

Regardless, I hope you enjoy it and have a great weekend!

– Wednesday was the last day for Mike the Intern (pictured above on the right) at IFAST.  Today, he graduates from Western Michigan University.  Congrats Mike!

It’s always hard losing great interns, and Mike will be no different.  Next week, I’m actually going to write up a blog post about what we expect from all of our interns, as I think the answer might surprise you a bit.

–  Mike Reinold wrote up a great blog post earlier this week about the 5 Things He Learned in 2009.  I always pick-up something new, or remember something old, when checking out Mike’s blog.  It’s a great resource and one I check almost daily.

–  Following up on Thursday’s blog post about baseball/softball players and push-ups HERE, Eric Cressey had more great content regarding pitching HERE.  Eric and his team are at the forefront of baseball strength and conditiioning, so be sure to check out this post as well.

–  This week’s quote of the week comes from Bill Hartman.  He was assessing a new client and in an effort to get him acclimated to the gym’s atmosphere and sarcasm, he threw out of the following comment in jest:

“You can’t disagree with me – it’s my gym!”

–  Last night I watched the new Star Trek movie, along with Public Enemies featuring Johnny Depp.  Both were quite good and yes, I realize I’m really far behind on my movies.

–  Finally, the Men’s/Women’s Health Big Book of Exercises are ready to release!  These are fantastic resources, with clear pictures and descriptions of hundreds of exercises.

Whether you’re new to the iron game or a seasoned veteran, chances are you’ll pick up some great information in these books.  I’ve provided links below:

Men’s Health Big Book of Exercises

Women’s Health Big Book of Exercises

Have a great weekend!


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