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The Single-Leg Tweetchat

Today, we’re going to try something a little out of the ordinary. I know a lot of you have questions about single-leg training, as well as the product itself. To help answer those questions, I’m going to do a 1-hour Tweetchat this afternoon to try and help you better understand single-leg training, as well as […]

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Should I only use single-leg lifts?

You know, I could manipulate the hell out of this product. I’m pretty sure I could lie, steal and cheat my way to a ridiculous pay day. I could tell you that all you need is single-leg training, providing you with a handful of references (and excluding others) that might even convince you that is […]

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The Single-Leg Solution for Athletes

One of the primary groups I created the Single-Leg Solution for was athletes. Strangely enough, single-leg training can benefit a wide variety of athletes in a whole host of different ways. For endurance athletes, improving stabilizer recruitment and strength could go a long way to rehabilitating injuries, as well as preventing future injuries from cropping […]

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Progressions and Coaching for the YouTube Generation

When I interviewed Joe Kenn for my podcast a couple of weeks ago, we had a great discussion about developing information products such as DVD’s. He had been told that due to YouTube and other video sites, that DVD’s were no longer a viable option.  After all, why would you create a product when you […]

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Single-Leg Solution on Sale FRIDAY

So you’ll have to excuse me, but I’m a little excited today. The manual and graphics are all edited and ready to go. The DVD has been tweaked and edited within an inch of its life. And today, I uploaded the example video clips, along with the website itself. The sale starts Friday. And throughout […]

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Building Olympic Caliber Legs

If you want to see some amazing hip and thigh development, you need not look any further than the athletes participating in this years c Winter Olympic games. Whether it’s speed skating, ice hockey, or even bobsled, these guys and gals have the hip and thigh development that would make a lot of your average […]

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It’s How You Do It!

Several weeks ago, I had a great group of girls come up to IFAST for assessments and programming.  The goal was simple:  To get them moving and feeling better, and eventually taking their athletic endeavors to the next level. Now let me begin by saying this wasn’t your average group of girls.  They were a […]

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Hardcore Lunge

Originally posted at The lunge is one of the best exercises you can do in the gym. Unfortunately, the performance of the “lunge” by your average gym-goer is about as baffling as nipples on men. Some things just don’t add up. Whether your goal is improved performance, wheels of steel, or a bigger total, […]

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Single Leg Supplements

Originally posted at In your quest for developing legs that are bigger, stronger, and more powerful, chances are you’ve already read dozens of articles on the basic exercises. Any decent strength training routine will put emphasis on the big lifts like squats and deadlifts. While I’m not saying these exercises aren’t important, a lot […]

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