More Thoughts on Movement Quality

Fluid and Quality Movement

Several weeks ago, I wrote a blog titled “The Concept of Movement Quality.”  There, I touched on a basic premise – it’s not just about moving more; it’s about moving better.

This past weekend during our Bootcamp Bootcamp Q&A, several of us were discussing the topic even further.  It reminded me of a quote I heard from Dr. Ed Thomas in the Kalos Sthenos DVD’s this past week:

“The better your movement looks to others, the worse it looks to yourself.”

Now I’m paraphrasing a bit here, but think about that – Is that a brilliant quote or what?

The better your squat looks to others, the worse it looks to you.

The better your TGU looks to a layperson, the more things you realize you need to work on.

But it’s that critical evaluation of our own movement that makes us better at what we do.

When we perform an RDL, it’s not like a new client would realize if we bend our knees a little bit too much, or if we lose our arch for 1/10th of a second, or anything crazy like that.

But the fact of the matter is, we notice it.

The best example I can use in sports is how Tiger Woods, at the peak of his game several years ago, decided to change his swing.

Most thought he was nuts.  After all, he was the best golfer in the game bar none, and he’s going to disassemble his swing and start over?

And for a while, the skeptics were right – it took him a little while to get his swing back to where it was.

But when he was done, it was better than ever.

I can’t tell you how excited I am to hear other people talking about and exploring their own movement.  And I sincerely hope that blogs like this are getting you motivated to take your performance and movement to the next level as well!

So I’m interested – what movements are you working on right now? Leave your feedback in the comments section below!

All the best


P.S. – If you’re in Chicago this weekend for Perform Better, this is going to be a huge part of my hands-on discussion.  If you think you know how to split-squat and lunge, I think you’ll be surprised to see all the things you might need to clean up.

And even if you can’t make it there, you could always pick up a copy of my Single-Leg Solution training package.

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