Aaron Davis on Assessment, Monitoring, and Fatigue


Aaron Davis is a Sports Performance & Health Coach with 12 years experience coaching athletes and teams across multiple sports. Utilizing multiple diagnostic technologies and labs, Davis firmly believes health and performance go hand in hand.

He is a constant student of sports performance and health – drawing upon knowledge from leading experts in the field. Davis coaches athletes in the Austin, Texas area as well as international and US athletes remotely. He shares his experiences and training philosophy speaking at seminars and writing for Train. Adapt. Evolve.

In this show, Aaron and I talk about why you should listen to both your athletes, and your intuition more, why he got interested in studying fatigue, and the monitoring tools he’s using to better coach his athletes.

Show Outline

Here’s a brief overview of what we covered in this week’s show:

  • MR’s Monologue: What Gives YOU Energy?
  • How life as an 800 meter runner led Aaron to the world of physical prep.
  • The topic of fatigue, and why Aaron wanted to learn more about it.
  • The monitoring tools and gadgets he uses to monitor fatigue (and performance) with his athletes, and an overview of what each tool “does.”
  • Aaron’s hierarchy for his monitoring, and the “top-tier” tests he looks at to evaluate an athletes current state.
  • Why he’s such a fan of the OmegaWave, the role it plays in his process, and how they are using it with their clients and athletes.
  • Getting nerdy, we talk about limitations when it comes to performance – namely the difference between central and peripheral adaptations.
  • Some practical application, discussing how you might address central versus peripheral adaptation issues.
  • The BIG Question.
  • A fun lightning round where we talk about the bioenergetics rabbit hole he’s jumped into, the books he’s reading right now, advice for young coaches, and what you talk about at an Austin bar at 1 in the morning!

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