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The Myth of Corrective Work

I get a lot of questions about corrective exercise. I’m obviously known as a “corrective” guy, and I’m fine with that. Long gone are the days where I care how I’m labeled; as long as people are talking about me in a (relatively) positive light, I’m good with it. However, I feel there are still […]

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The Chicago In-Service FAQ

With the recent launch of my Chicago In-Service DVD’s/streaming videos, there have been a handful of questions that we’ve seen time and again in our inbox. Rather than answer them individually, I figure it makes sense to answer a bunch of these at once, where everyone can benefit from the answers. Enjoy!

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The Chicago In-Service Is HERE!

Whether you’re new to RTS products, or you’re looking for something that fills in the gaps, the Chicago In-Service can help YOU! Check it out via the link below: The Chicago In-Service Discount pricing is available through Friday, April 13th, at midnight, EST, so if you want to save yourself $30 pick up your copy […]

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What’s YOUR Achilles heel?

If you’re a geek like me, you no doubt have heard the legend of Achilles. For those of you that were actually cool in middle and high school (or went out on dates with girls and stuff), here’s a brief recap: Achilles’ mother, Thetis, wanted to make her son immortal. To do this, she held […]

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The Elite Training Mentorship

“I wish I lived closer to you.” “I wish I was younger so I could do an internship with you.” “I hate living in ‘X’ because there’s no good information for trainers and coaches who want to get better.” I hear some incantation of the above statements on a weekly basis. And if this sounds […]

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How to Do LESS in 2012 (But Enjoy Yourself MORE!)

It’s the New Year, and everyone and their mother has a New Year’s resolution that they’ve probably already broken. In fact, I wrote about this pretty extensively last week in my 2012 To-Do List post. BUT, here’s the thing with New Year’s resolutions – they almost always focus on adding things to our plate. Starting […]

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BioForce HRV Available NOW

Everyone, just a quick heads up that Joel Jamieson’s BioForce HRV is now available! He’s only got 250 units to sell, so if you’re interested, please check this out ASAP: Joel Jamieson’s BioForce HRV And for the record, I can’t wait to get my grubby little paws on mine! Stay strong MR

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Addressing Weaknesses in Training and Life

I’ve been thinking a lot about the training process recently, and specifically, how we address weaknesses within a training program. More than anything, I’ve been trying to explain how I go about addressing weaknesses in the programs that I write for my clients and athletes. We’ve all heard the saying, “You’re only as strong as […]

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Just Beat It

Note from MR: Today we have a guest blog from a good friend, fellow trainer, and IFAST client Steve Long. If you’ve never done any work with a sledgehammer before, this article may push you over the edge! Sledgehammers are a great tool regardless of whether you want to improve your conditioning or just look […]

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800 Pound Abs?

Last week, I actually gave my Complete Core Fitness presentation not once but TWICE! I’ve lost count but I know I’ve given that presentation “live” at least a dozen times this year; and that doesn’t even count all the rehearsals! Upon completing one of the presentations, Jason Nunn (a professional level strongman) had a fantastic […]

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The Myth of Symmetrical Programs

I’ve been asked this question numerous times over the years. And recently it’s started coming up again. “Mike – don’t I need a symmetrical program? Like balancing pushes and pulls, quad dominant versus hip dominant lifts, etc.?” It’s a very valid question, and one I feel needs to be addressed.

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My Core Training Story

Many people want to know why I originally got interested in core training. Even as someone who was just getting into the industry at the young age of 21, I quickly realized everyone and their brother wants to train their abs, or learn how to get a 6-pack. Let’s take a little trip down memory […]

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Should You Crunch?

“Should we perform crunches in our exercise routine?” This question has been hotly debated, especially in recent years. Many have leaned on the work of Dr. Stuart McGill and excluded crunches, sit-ups and other spinal flexion work from their programming. But one question that almost always comes up is this: What about mixed-martial artists (MMA)? […]

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Speed Work? Or Technique Work?

The other day I was having a discussion with IFAST Olympic-lifter Adam Coons, and we got started on the topic of speed work. Adam is a guy that’s been putting in a lot of hard work under the bar, and he has recently started using some dynamic effort training in his programming. Speed work has […]

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Training the TALL Athlete

It’s funny how things happen sometimes. This past weekend, my good friend Joe Dowdell came in for the Midwest Seminar, with plans of flying out on Sunday afternoon. Evidently, mother nature had other ideas with regards to his travel schedule! As a result, Joe stuck around an extra day and his client, Indiana Pacers starting […]

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