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Lateral Speed Training: 7 Exercises to Help Unlock Your Athletic Potential

While some parents and coaches love to talk about linear speed – a faster 10, 40 or even 100-yard dash – many don’t realize the power and importance of LATERAL speed and agility. Because if you play sports like basketball, volleyball, tennis, or maybe even baseball or softball, being able to move quickly side-to-side is […]

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Parallel, Staggered, and Split-Stance Explained

Here’s an incredibly common question I get asked… “What is ______ stance?” It could be split-stance. It could be Half-kneeling. It could be staggered stance. Or anything in between! But if you’ve ever wondered what the different stances and postures mean – or how to set-up for them – this short video should help. And […]

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It’s 2022….Let’s GOOOOOO!

I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty freakin’ fired up for 2022. It feels like the last two years have overstayed their welcome, so I’m ready to jump into the new year and make some magic happen. Now I’m not a huge believer in New Year’s Resolutions, especially when the research shows most people […]

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Recent Videos 12.22.21

Hey friend! So I’m trying something new, and I need to know if you like it… With the ever-changing algorithms in social media, sometimes it’s hard to see all the content you want. So instead of making you go and search for my content, I thought I’d pull it all together and post it here […]

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Is Multi-Directional Speed Training Just for Athletes?

Do you give multi-directional speed training as much attention when training your young athletes, as you do to your 50-year-old client? You should! Every client and athlete desires the same thing, to improve skills that will translate into more complex demands or tasks. Not only are coaches improving fitness qualities with exercises, but they are […]

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How to Build COMPLETE Athletes

When you start training athletes (or even gen pop clients) it’s easy to get overwhelmed writing their programs. Because let’s be honest…they want it all! Speed. Strength. Power. Conditioning. And while I can give an athlete all of those physical qualities, I can’t necessarily do it all in one program. So in this video, I […]

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Building Social vs. Financial Capital

Right now, everyone is struggling financially to some degree. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a trainer, coach, or fitness business owner, everyone is feeling the pinch. So if you can’t work on building financial capital, how can you continue to make strides in your business? Or better yet, how can you find ways to create […]

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IFAST Podcast #3 – Hiring the Perfect Coach

Hiring the right people is one of the most critical pieces of the business puzzle. This is even more true in a small business, where the entire culture and community of a business can be shifted when you bring on a new team member. In this show, we discuss a variety of topics: Our unique […]

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The MYTH of In-Season Maintenance

Note from MR: Today’s guest post is from my guy Mike Potenza. Mike is a guy I have a ton of respect for, and has had success at the highest levels of hockey for years now. If you enjoy the article, I would highly recommend checking out his new product, Optimizing Adaptation and & Performance, […]

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Back Squat vs. Front Squat: What’s the Difference?

While people love to debate about whether the back squat or front squat is “better,” I think there’s a far more important question to ask… Namely, what are the DIFFERENCES between front and back squatting? In this short video I break it down for you. Enjoy! Now that you’ve watched the video, a few quick […]

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What Hand Position is Best for Chest Supported Rows?

Back in the day, I used to LOVE doing some chest supported rows. And while it’s obviously an effective exercise for building the mid-back, I often get one question time and time again when coaching it: Which hand position is best? In this short video, I describe to you the differences between a neutral and […]

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Build Your Abs AND Upper Body with the Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press

When it comes to training, I’m all about maximizing bang for my buck. After all, why do multiple exercises when ONE exercise can give you a ton of benefit? In this case, the single-arm dumbbell bench press is an awesome choice, because it not only strengthens the upper body, but builds a strong and stable […]

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2018: Your WHAT and Your WHY

With the new year upon us, it’s time to not only reflect on the year past, but to game plan, strategize, and dream for the year to come. Personally, I love this time of year. I’m not necessarily the “New Years Resolution” kind of guy, but I do love the look and feel that a […]

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Reasons Why Athletes Struggle to Gain Weight

Why do  certain athletes struggle to put on quality mass? My goal here is to provide some scientific explanations regarding this topic and also to provide some opinion based statements from my own life observations. Dietary factors are probably an absolutely enormous driver of this inability, but in this particular article, I would like to […]

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A Quick Coaching Rant

“Exercise X is hard to coach.” “I don’t have time to coach Exercise Y.” It’s strange – the more I read about coaching, the less actual coaching seems to be going on!

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