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RTS Coaching: What Torso Position is Best on Split-Squats?

Split-squats are one of my all-time favorite exercises. When you think about it, they can do numerous things for you: Build single-leg strength, Improve flexibility in the trailing leg, Improve stability and control through the hip, knee and ankle, etc. Yet, when it comes to the split-squat, a common question comes up time and again: […]

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RTS Coaching: How Wide on Split-Squats?

One of the most common questions I get asked is: How far apart should my feet be on a split-squat? For many years, I always had my athletes start in a 90-90 set-up. But over the years, I’ve changed this position ever so slightly, which this video will describe. After watching the video here are […]

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RTS Coaching: Foot-Knee-Hip on Unilateral Work

  A few weeks back, I wrote an article about five of the biggest benefits of single-leg training. If you haven’t read that, take a few minutes and review it first, as I think it gives unique insight into the true role of unilateral training. And if you want the Cliff’s Notes version, here goes: […]

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RTS Coaching: Low-Cable Split-Squat

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: When it comes to training, I’m pretty vanilla. I’m a big believer in using the big lifts (i.e. squats, deads, chins, rows, push-ups, etc.) with brutally efficient and effective technique. AND In my opinion, split-stance exercises are a must-have in your programming . In case you […]

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How to Perform Rear Foot Elevated Split-Squats

I’ll be honest: For several years, I was not a huge fan of rear foot elevated split-squats (RFESS)/Bulgarian split-squats/whatever the cool kids are calling them these days. My biggest issue with the exercise was the execution: If you you do a Google search for the exercise, you’ll see pictures of athletes crushing their lumbar spines, […]

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Q&A: 90-90 Split-Squats

Mike – I noticed in your Single-Leg Solution that Lance isn’t always setting up in the 90-90 split-squat position you have discussed before. Why is that? Thanks! This is a great question, and in all honesty, I’ve been meaning to write a blog post about it for months now, so here goes!

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The 90-90 Split-Squat

Half-kneeling and split-stance exercises are beneficial for numerous athletes and trainees.  Whether your goal is to soothe knee and lower back pain, or to improve your performance on big lifts like squats and deadlifts, half-kneeling and split-stance exercises can be a fantastic addition to your program.

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